💡 For the month of December, focus on clarifying your home from the year’s buildup.
Plus, here’s a space for you to track to-do’s that come up.
[ ] Clothing
[ ] Books
[ ] Paper items
[ ] Plants (yes, get rid of them)
[ ] Hobby items
[ ] Exercise equipment
[ ] Bags ( I know you have them)
[ ] Linens
[ ] Home decor items
[ ] Medicine and first aid
[ ] Anything stored in a locker, unit, parent’s house, etc.
[ ] Toiletries and beauty
[ ] Kitchen ware (containers anyone?)
<aside> 💡 How do you organize and store information?
[ ] Clear out your notion, asana, or any task/info management system you use
[ ] Review all notebooks
[ ] Purge all screenshots
[ ] Organize and purge all digital files in your cloud
[ ] Purge email accounts
[ ] Unsubscribe from all junk mail
[ ] Delete old text messages/messenger messages/facebook marketplace
<aside> 💡 This activity will give you all the information and data you need to make informed and intentional decisions about the next twelve months rather than planning based on random, momentary, inspiration-based dreams.
<aside> 💡 The reflection wheel was created by the incredible Aileen of Lavendaire.
<aside> 💡 Here, we abandon rational thinking for a moment and allow ourselves to just dream. Dream about the perfect, ideal version of our life and ourselves.