Clarify Your Space

<aside> 💡 For the month of December, focus on clarifying your home from the year’s buildup.
Plus, here’s a space for you to track to-do’s that come up.


Clarify Your Systems

<aside> 💡 How do you organize and store information?


Take Inventory (Backcasting)

<aside> 💡 This activity will give you all the information and data you need to make informed and intentional decisions about the next twelve months rather than planning based on random, momentary, inspiration-based dreams.


  1. Create a photo album from this past year’s experiences.
  2. Complete the life reflection wheel. Then, observing your results, ask yourself the following questions:
  3. Review your monthly resets from the last year for trends. Now, dive deeper and reflect:
  4. If relevant, review last year’s notion or planning hub - is there anything you missed or want to include in your findings?

<aside> 💡 The reflection wheel was created by the incredible Aileen of Lavendaire.


Dream Big (Visioning)

<aside> 💡 Here, we abandon rational thinking for a moment and allow ourselves to just dream. Dream about the perfect, ideal version of our life and ourselves.


  1. Brain dump off the top of your head → what big things or changes you expect will happen next year? These items are less idealistic and more inevitable, although not necessarily guaranteed (i.e. turn 30! Graduate!). These will be your milestones and the start of your brainstorming process.